Every day, thousands of publishers enjoy a steady stream of income through affiliating with other companies through affiliate marketing programs. This is a highly effective monetization strategy for bloggers, particularly those who don’t offer their own products or services. By becoming a part of an affiliate program, you can access exclusive content and promotions to offer your audience, while simultaneously earning additional revenue.


What is an Affiliate Program ?

Affiliate programs are partnerships between businesses where one company, known as the affiliate, is paid a commission for sending customers or sales to the other business. This can be accomplished through various means such as web content, social media posts, or product integration.

As an example, Wirecutter.com, a subsidiary of The New York Times, is a website that provides product recommendations to shoppers. The majority of their revenue is generated through affiliate relationships with retailers.

Some may question the credibility of Wirecutter’s recommendations due to its affiliate monetization model, but this is far from the truth. Wirecutter only earns a commission when a reader purchases a product from one of its affiliate retailers and chooses not to return it.

This means that they have no incentive to promote subpar products, as doing so would result in less revenue and a loss of trust from their readers.

👉🏼 Additional reading : 18 Best Email Marketing Software for Affiliate Marketing in 2023 (Updated)

Why Be an Affiliate Marketer ?

Passive income :

Affiliate marketing is a unique form of earning money that provides the opportunity to generate passive income. Unlike traditional jobs where you have to physically be at work to earn a salary, affiliate marketing allows you to earn money even when you’re not actively engaged.

This means that by dedicating a specific amount of time and effort into setting up your affiliate marketing campaign, you can continue to receive financial benefits for weeks, and even months, after the initial investment of time.

The beauty of affiliate marketing is that you can reap the rewards of your hard work even when you’re not actively working. For example, if you spend time creating a marketing campaign promoting a particular product, you’ll continue to receive commissions as consumers make purchases through your unique affiliate link, even while you’re sleeping or away from your computer.

The income generated through affiliate marketing is ongoing, providing a steady stream of revenue that grows over time.

In summary, affiliate marketing offers the flexibility and potential to earn money while you sleep, providing a long-term source of passive income that continues to grow with time and effort invested.

No customer support :

Individual merchants and businesses that offer products or services are responsible for interacting with their customers and making sure that they are happy with their purchases. This requires effort and attention to handle customer inquiries, resolve issues, and guarantee overall satisfaction.

However, with the implementation of affiliate marketing, these responsibilities can be greatly reduced. As an affiliate marketer, your primary duty is to connect the seller with potential customers, rather than handling customer support and ensuring customer satisfaction.

After you have successfully directed a sale through your unique affiliate link, the seller then takes on the responsibility of communicating with the customer and handling any complaints or issues that may arise.

You can rest assured that your role in the process ends once you have received your commission for the successful sale.

Work from home :

For individuals who dislike the traditional office environment, affiliate marketing offers a compelling alternative. With this type of work, you have the flexibility to run campaigns and earn income from the products created by sellers all from the comfort of your own home.

There is no need to dress in professional attire or commute to a physical office. Instead, you can enjoy the freedom of working in a familiar and relaxed environment, allowing you to maximize productivity and creativity.

Whether you prefer to work in your pajamas, from a cozy coffee shop, or from a beachfront vacation rental, affiliate marketing provides the versatility to work from virtually anywhere. So, if you’re looking for a career that allows you to escape the 9-5 grind and work on your own terms, affiliate marketing is definitely worth considering.

Cost-effective :

Starting a business often requires a significant amount of upfront investment to cover the costs of setting up the company and purchasing the products that will be sold. This can be a challenge, especially for those who are on a tight budget. However, one alternative that offers a more affordable option is affiliate marketing.

This type of marketing allows individuals to earn a commission by promoting the products of other companies, without the need to create their own products or worry about unexpected costs. To get started with affiliate marketing, there are no complicated processes to navigate or prohibitively expensive fees to pay.

Instead, it is a relatively straightforward process that can be started quickly and with minimal hassle. This makes affiliate marketing a great option for those who are looking to start a business but don’t have the resources to invest in a more traditional business model.

How Do Affiliate Marketers Get Paid?

Affiliate marketing offers an attractive option for those seeking to earn money online without the hassle of selling a product directly. However, the process of receiving payment as an affiliate after connecting the seller to the consumer can be complex.

It’s important to note that the consumer doesn’t have to make a purchase for the affiliate to receive a commission. The method of measuring the affiliate’s contribution to the seller’s sales varies, depending on the affiliate program.

As an affiliate, you may receive payment in a variety of ways :

  • Pay per sale.
  • Pay per lead.
  • Pay per click.
  • Pay per install.

Best Affiliate Programs

1. Digistore24 :

Digistore24 is primarily a sales platform for non-physical products, including software, courses, and events. The system provides an infrastructure for this purpose, which includes billing, tax, downloads, and technical customer service.

Digistore24 offers further services to sales and marketing by processing online data. According to the provider, 4.8 million sales were made via the system in 2020. Users can set up affiliate programs to promote sales.

2. Impact Radius :

Impact Radius is a digital marketing platform that has provided countless solutions to improve return on global advertising spends for brands and developers online. Their fully integrated suite of products is dedicated to efficient media attribution, performance marketing, tag management and mobile analytics.

With their suite, users can have all their required ‘gear’ for running ad campaigns effectively in one place, while receiving feedback via detailed insights and reports. This allows global brands and agencies to manage their performance marketing campaigns directly and ensure maximum growth.

3. Jvzoo :

JVZoo is an affiliate network that connects vendors and affiliates. You can use JVZoo to sell items, market, and distribute them automatically in the same way as ShareASale, Amazon, and ClickBank.

JVZoo only earns revenue from sales when merchants do. And it connects with vendors in order to generate sales for them.

4. ClickBank :

Clickbank is an affiliate network. But unlike traditional affiliate platforms, Clickbank serves as a marketplace for both people who create products and affiliates, so they can make money together without complex paperwork or agreements.

If you’re the vendor, you create your own product and set it up using ClickBank’s system. They then list your product in their marketplace so tens of thousands of affiliates can see you.

They handle the tracking using unique tracking links and cookies, so they know exactly where the sale came from and credit the referring account accordingly.

Confused? It’ll be clearer in a moment. A lot of people start off as affiliates and then, later on, become vendors. We will focus on making money as an affiliate in this blog post, as it’s the simpler route.

5. Offervault :

Offer Vault consists of almost 67,000 affiliate and CPA offers to choose from. It is actually a search engine that scouts 60+ networks to provide you with that many affiliates offers.

Factors include :

  • Payout
  • Category
  • Network
  • Last updated date

These categories will be listed for each search term that you enter, with all the relevant information on the offers made by each merchant. This way you not only find all the available and best possible offers but also can easily compare them with all the other that exist from the pool of networks.

6. Amazon Affiliates :

The Amazon Associates Program helps content creators, publishers and bloggers monetize their traffic. With millions of products and programs available on Amazon, associates use easy link-building tools to direct their audience to their recommendations, and earn from qualifying purchases and programs.

7. Commission Junction :

Founded over 20 years ago in Santa Barbara, California, CJ Affiliate is one of the world’s largest and oldest affiliate networks.

It specializes in pay-for-performance programs and is part of a Fortune 500 company called Alliance Data Systems.

With an astounding track record since 1998, this massive affiliate marketing network has 15 offices worldwide and over 3,000 merchants.

8. ShareASale :

Shareasale is a popular affiliate marketing program with two decades of experience in sales and advertising. The company is reputable and well-reviewed, and affiliate sign-up is free. Affiliates have access to more than 4,800 merchants across multiple markets and niche industries, making it easy to find the right fit for your website.

Conclusion :

The best program for you will depend on a variety of factors, including your niche, target audience, and personal preferences. Some popular affiliate programs include Amazon Affiliates,Digistore24, Commission Junction, and ShareASale, among others.

To determine which program is best for you, consider your specific goals and evaluate each program’s terms, commission structure, and available products. Additionally, it may be helpful to research the reputation and track record of each program to ensure that they are reliable and trustworthy.

Ultimately, the best affiliate program for you will depend on your individual needs and goals, so it is important to take the time to carefully consider all of your options.

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