This comprehensive guide gives you everything you need to know about the basics of the Google Search Console and tips on how to use it.

What kind of report do you see in Google Search Console? Is there a link to your site?

Do you want to check for crawler errors to see if you need to implement a 301 redirect? Do you want to adjust the URL parameters?

You can use the Google Search Console for almost everything.

Known as the Google Webmaster Tools for almost a decade, Google renamed the Tools Suite to the Google Search Console in 2015. Every new year, Google introduces new tools, analytics and tracking data in the Google Search Console.

In this column you can see the complete separation of principles. From URL inspection tools to covered reports, we provide regular brief updates on your SEO reports.

In addition, we share a monthly SEO health checklist.


What is Google Search Console Summary Report?

There are three main reports in the Google Search Console Summary Report:

  • Performance.
  • Cover
  • It gets better

Each of these reports will be discussed in more detail later.

URL inspection tool

What is a URL Inspection Tool?

URL checking tools may be one of my favorites because you can see how Google sees your website. You can use this tool to test how Google presents your site.

If you are publishing a new blog post or redesigning your webpage, you can use this URL checking tool to submit a URL and notify Google to crawl that page.

This is similar to the old GSC Fetch as a Google tool. Each of these reports will be discussed in more detail later.

URL inspection tool

What is a URL Inspection Tool?

URL checking tools may be one of my favorites because you can see how Google sees your website. You can use this tool to test how Google presents your site.

If you are publishing a new blog post or redesigning your webpage, you can use this URL checking tool to submit a URL and notify Google to crawl that page.

This is similar to the old GSC Fetch as a Google tool.

How to use the URL inspection tool?

To use the URL search tool, add the URL to the search bar at the top of the Google search console.

I often use URL checking tools to understand how Google crawls my site.

For example, you can see that Google last crawled the webpage. This is useful for analyzing SERP fluctuations.

Other uses of URL inspection tools:

  • Update old web pages.
  • Launch a new section of your website.
  • Introduce a new mobile design.
  • Robots.txt file updated.
  • Implemented the rel = canonical tag.
  • Migrate from HTTP to HTTPS.


Search results

What is Google Search Console Search Results Report?

Search results are displayed under the Performance section.

The same criterion is available but with 16 months of data. Additionally, you can filter the results in the following ways:

  • job information
  • Abundant results
  • AMP page.
  • Less AMP result.
  • News.
  • Google continues to add more search filters. Please update this article with added features.
  • Google has also released a productivity feature that lets you copy the URL, open it in a new tab, and search for it when you view it.

If you’re like me and your spreadsheet is full of hits and keyword shifts, search performance for your carrots is a downside.

No opportunity for content (what a publishing calendar dreams are made of), at least to display and click data by country or device.

What kind of report can I create using the Google Search Console search results report?

16-month data is a great way to quickly achieve website performance and SERP content.

If you are creating a spreadsheet, try this. Trust me, this will save you time.

You can use the data to identify the following:

  • High performance page
  • Pages with low click-through rates.
  • Click with the keyword
  • Number of views per keyword.

For example, use this data to specify metadata for rewriting.

If you have a page with a large number of views and a small number of clicks, it may mean that you need to improve the title or meta description.

You can also do more research on your keywords using this part of the Google Search Console.

If you want to retrieve data for keyword research, you can use regular expressions (filter expressions) to filter out tools or page filters.

For example, if your business sells burritos, you can filter by “burritos” in your serial report.

When comparing data, you can also split filter data and display it side by side.

To understand

What is Google Search Console Discovery Report?

Google released the Discover report in April 2019, which provides publishers with more information on how search engines discover content.

How to use Discover reports?

If you are a publisher, you can use this report to understand how users interact with your site through the Google mobile Discover newsletter and the Chrome mobile browser.

You can see what kind of content works, how it compares to other traditional search results, and how often Discover users visit your site.

The report also includes information on AMP stories.

Google News

What is a Google News report in Google Search Console?

The Google Search Console published the Google News Journal in January 2021 in the Performance section. The Google News section tracks user behavior on Android, iOS, and apps.

How can I use Google News Reports in the Google Search Console?

In Google News reports, you can break impressions, clicks, and CTRs by country, device, and date.

Matt Southern explains how to use Google News reports to improve content performance.

Index report

Whether you’re looking for index bloating, trying to block CSS, or deleting a URL, the Google Search Console List report now draws a circle. You can rotate it.

Due to the low content, we have struggled with low organic traffic to panda attacks.

The Google Homepage report in Google Search Console provides data on how your content performs in Google Search.

(Note: If you are looking for the content keywords section, it was removed in November 2016).


How can a coverage report be used?

In the Google Search Console, the coverage report also shows all indexed pages and all pages not included in the sitemap.

A list of errors will be displayed.

Coverage reports are also crawl error reports. This will tell you which page on your website is down. From now on, you should check this report to make sure there are no significant changes to the indexed pages.

I want to use this report to determine inflation in the index. By pairing Google Search Console data with Google Analytics, webmasters can get, unfortunately, the recipients of the list expansion.

You need to make sure that the number of pages in your coverage report matches the number of pages that receive organic traffic in Google Analytics.

If they do not match, they may receive a small portion of the indexed traffic page.

How to find a bloated index in Google Search Console?

Follow these steps to find index inflation:

  • Go to Google Search Console> Browse> Coverage.
  • Go to Google and launch the site: Search [insert website URL]
  • To find the parameter pattern on each page, go to each page of search results.

If you notice that the pages you do not want to index are indexed, go back and add a noindex tag to each page and disable them in the robots.txt file.

How to fix creep error?

Some standard crawl errors:

  • DNS (Domain Name System) Error : This error occurs on the server side, so please contact the host location (GoDaddy, BlueHost, etc.).
  • Server Error : Server error usually occurs when a site is hit by heavy traffic. You need to do more research to see if this is a connection or deadline.
  • Soft 404 errors: These errors indicate that the HTTP response code in the header does not return the 404 code. To fix this, if the page is down, implement a 301 redirect or check for thin or duplicate content on the page.
  • 404 Errors : These are the most common errors that occur. A 404 error can occur when you do not publish or delete a page. Error 404 does not necessarily affect ranking, but it can affect links. If you have more than 20 links to page 404, you should redirect to page 301 immediately.

After a long month of keyword mapping and page speed improvements, the quickest and easiest solution you can do on your website is to clear crawl errors.

With just a 301 redirect, you can turn a broken link into a magic nest of backlink unicorns.

Meaning: If you have a broken page that generates a lot of backlinks, with 301 redirects you can still get credentials (and permissions) for those backlinks.


What is a Sitemap Report?

The site map may look like a mysterious man hiding behind a green wall.

From tagging exceptions to deleting categories, many of the things you put on your sitemap can affect your website.

Pay attention to the warnings in the site map report. This is part of the sitemap. Sitemap report Google Search Console shares information about what’s happening on your website. Yes, these are errors found in the sitemap, but this report shows more bugs.

How to correct an error in the site map report?

do not be afraid. The best defense against these sitemap errors is to discover the cause in the first place. This is a problem I encountered while auditing my site.

A great website for SEO auditing comes to me. There are over 100,000 pages containing various sitemaps. this is incredible?

After 5 seconds to see the sitemap error, I realized that there is only one URL listed in this sitemap compared to 16,000 URLs.

Further research showed that the site map input was written in capital letters. After modifying the input, 83% of the pages were indexed within 2 weeks.


What is Google Search Console Removal Tool?

In short, you can wrap up the removal section of the Google search console. At some point in time, it is a universal fact that all SEOs suffer from thin or duplicate customer content.

The disposal section is divided into three areas.

Temporary removal

If you want to temporarily hide something from Google Search (like a lot of thin or duplicate content), you can add the URL to the Google Search Console Delete section.

This temporary removal is valid for 6 months and takes approximately 1 day to process.

I still have to block some URLs in robots.txt or 404.

You can use the Google Search Console delete section to clear hidden URLs and permanently delete the page description snippet. This effect will not work until the page is crawled again.

Google also explains the details of how to use the delete section to hide content.

Old content

In the Expired Content section, you can see the requests deleted by the public. Therefore, anyone can suggest that the search results be updated if the correct information is not available.

This data is visible during the last 6 months.

Safe search filter

In the Safe Search filtering section, you can use the Safe Search Suggestion tool to see what is being reported as adult content.

How to use the delete section?

So far, I’ve used this tool to quickly remove thin, repetitive content before Panda appeared, as well as clear several uppercase sensitive URLs.

Follow these steps before submitting the page you want to delete to GSC:

  • Add a noindex meta to each page
  • Put a rel = canonical tag on each page
  • Block pages in robots.txt files
  • Submit URL to delete

Think of this tool as a secret weapon that you only apply for a pension if necessary.

It gets better

As an SEO expert, you can do a lot of work with the Google Search Console Extensions section.

What is the secret to the functionality of structured data and the activation of AMP pages? When you are told there is no error code, you like it.

To see all reports and tools, just tap the Extensions tab in the left menu bar. Get started!

Critical web kernel

What is a Core Web Report?

In May 2020, Google released a report on Core Web Vitalizes in the Google Search Console. Core Web Vital report is presented with the aim of showing the quality of users on your site. Reports are categorized by mobile device and desktop.

The Google Search Console Core Web Vital report is segmented by Largest Coloring (LCP), Initial Input Delay (FID), and Cumulative Design (CLS).

The URLs listed in the “OK” section meet the Google threshold.

How to use essential web reports in Google Search Console

If you have incorrectly listed URLs, you must first work on them. Once the issue is resolved, you can resubmit it to Google Search Console to see if Google has accepted the solution.

Check out this report to see how Google changes the way our users view it.

This report will be even more valuable as Google becomes more and more user-centric, when Core Ranking Vital becomes a ranking signal in May 2021.

In a detailed article, Marie Haynes explains the relationship between the experience of this page and the key vital elements.

Mobile usability

What is a mobile usability report?

Google released a report on mobile usability in the Google search console shortly before announcing the change to the first mobile listing.

The report on mobile usability provides an opportunity to troubleshoot problems in the design and development of mobile devices.

How can I fix a problem by reporting my cell phone usability?

What started out as a good web design strategy quickly turned into a slow-moving, awkward, and non-clickable website, in a whirlpool of zero leads and higher bounce rates.

Improperly designed side effects of mobile websites can lead to reduced organic traffic and drowning in the absence of the customer.

Here are some common errors in cell phone usability reporting and how to fix them:

  • Wider screen content – Make sure you do not need to scroll horizontally to see the full screen.
  • Clickable items to close too much – Make sure the links and buttons are far enough apart.
  • Viewport not configured – Make sure the page uses metaview tags to resize based on the device the visitor is using.

Mobile Accelerated Pages

What is an AMP Report?

Whenever I get a chance to speed up a page with a rock, I take it.

And the AMP page is a bit like SEO, and all the benefits of mobile search results that I like come together in one easy-to-implement tactic.

Will the page load longer? Mobile rankings improved? Do you want to improve server performance? Check, check, check.

Google recently announced that Google Search Console will capture images that connect with the “swipe to access” feature. This feature can be seen in the high performance report.

So when you are ready to find AMP markup errors, AMP reporting in Google Search Console is the best option. This report shows the AMP in the Google Search Console.

How is the AMP report used?

You can use AMP reports in the Google Search Console to monitor AMP pages.

You can control the site templates and other deployments that affect your AMP pages. If you want to make fundamental changes, you can also use the AMP test tool.

If you use a lot of results, the AMP pages listed in that section also have a problem. As mentioned above, you can also filter AMP results in performance reports. Great

Google also alerts site owners to AMP reporting issues.


What does the Google Search Console navigation tell me?

The Google Search Console Breadcrumbs report was released in September 2019.

This Bread Powder Report helps website owners troubleshoot issues that may prevent breadcrumbs from appearing in the SERPs.

Also, any website owner can understand the problem of implementing structured data. I added the code to my site, but it still does not appear in the SERP.

Fortunately, Google has done all the hard work for us. After adding the code to your website, go to Google Search Console> Extensions> Breadcrumbs to check for errors.

This report covers all data errors structured with bread crumbs and the number of URLs affected.

Google Search Console Panel

How do I fix the breadcrumbs in the Google search console?

Regardless of the bread crumb construction data used (local businesses, blog posts, authors, organizations, etc.), this report contains items.

Breadcrumb bookmarks structured data and alerts search engines to the information it displays to the user. This is a hierarchy on your site.

This bread powder report shows how you can check it out in your SERP. The site rye flour has been shown to help improve organic traffic.

Structural data is not a ranking factor and leaving these errors will not cause your site to lose rankings, but correcting these errors will improve the user experience. To correct breadcrumbs in the Google Search Console, you must analyze each error individually.

This article gives you a brief overview on bread crumbs and how to make them.

Abundant results

What are the rich results of Google Search Console?

When was the last time you searched for [Bourbon Maple Jam] on your smartphone? Or did you scan the movie time in Google search results?

For recipes, courses, movies (TV not reported) or work, the SERP has the time and place to deliver great results.

And if you are an SEO expert who likes to track the results of many errors and strict performance, Google Search Console is for you. This report indexes the number of rich results and shows if there are any serious errors.

The Google Search Console Rich Results report reports more structured data such as product branding, site box search box markup, and parable types.

This rich report can be found in the Breadcrumbs report.

How do I get rich results to appear in the Google Search Console?

It is not possible to produce many results for all cases now. Instructions, courses, videos and jobs are just the games that have been provided so far.

The rich results of Google Search Console allow you to use outline data to display content in a more engaging format and enhance your mobile experience. Rich results reporting controls rich component indexing, schemas, AMPs, and applications.

Rich results are also divided into individual reports, depending on the type of structural markup you use. Job list reports allow you to mark various attributes such as education, experience, experience, experience, work and salary base.

See this guide for complete work report documentation.

There are also common Q&A reports that Google uses to validate Q&A data and frequently asked questions.

After generating a large number of results, you can view the listed cards and errors using this report. You can also use the URL inspection tool.

If you see an error in the Google Search Console, you may not see rich SERP results.

Check the pieces

What are Google Search Console Review Snippets Report?

The Google Search Console Review is a sub-extension.

If you use a schema to flag a review, this is a report that explains whether the review was successful.

How can I use the Snippets Review?

The snippet report shows page performance checks, snippet confirmation, and more. See this official report for more information.


What is the Google Search Console logo report?

If you use logo marking, this report shows the logo plugin function and the errors associated with marking.

How can I fix the logo reporting problem?

Similar to the Mobile Usability Report, Google Search Console displays the listed errors with clickable options to help you understand the problem and how to fix it.

Site link search box

What is a site link search box report in Google Search Console?

If you use the search box markup on the site, this site search box report shows the performance link and the errors associated with that markup.

How can a problem be solved by reporting the Site Lock search box?

As in the previous report, the Google Search Console displays these errors with clickable options to understand what the problems are and how to fix them.

Safety and manual action

Security is becoming an increasingly important issue, so it’s no surprise that Google has changed Google’s search console to include its own section on security and manual measures.

Manual action

What does the Google Search Console manual action report tell me?

I hope you do not need to use this section. “No problem detected” sigh is easy. If you violate Google guidelines, you will be notified in a manual action report. In this case, it looks like:

Here is a complete list of Google handy solutions:

How to delete a manual action in Google Search Console?

If you receive a manual action notice, you must send a request for reconsideration. There is a lot of work to be done to make a review request. Review requests require time and prompt action by the team.

This is an overview of past actions taken to attract new customers from unnatural links to your site.

  • We have created a link removal campaign to remove all spam links.
  • I used Google Sheets to document the link removal process. Google wants to see how many emails we have sent to our website to remove the link and what steps we will take to monitor the link in the future.
  • I sent a denial file to Google.

Write a letter documenting why this happened and the steps taken to remove the link.

Safety issues

What does Google Search Console Security Reporting tell me?

The Security Issues section of the Google Search Console indicates whether your site has been hacked or has malware on your site.

Google has released a series of videos for the Google Search Console. Google alerts you if something goes wrong.

How do I fix a security issue in Google Search Console?

If Google Search Console detects security issues, Google will give you information on how to fix them. We advise you to work closely with developers to clean up.

Once you have taken steps to address these issues, you can ask the Google team to visit your site again. For now, I hope there is a reassuring green note from Google that “no problem detected”.

Old tools and reports

There are some old tools and reports that Google has not yet announced another alternative. Nothing has been said about these reports yet. They can stay or leave. The analysis of the report is as follows.

International orientation

What is an International Division Report?

If your website has multiple languages ​​or targets a specific country, you need a hreflang tag. The international targeting tool in the Google Search Console detects errors in the hreflang tag.

If you’ve ever tried to implement the hreflang tag, you know it’s not easy.

How do I configure country settings in the Google Search Console?

If you are targeting a specific country, check the traffic source of each country in Google Analytics before setting the country.

Gary Ellis of Google said on Twitter that there is no fluctuation in traffic, but if you get a lot of traffic from several countries, leave it alone.

Follow these steps to adjust the country settings:

  • Go to Google Search Console> International Targeting> Country
  • Click the confirmation box to select the destination country.

If you do not set a target, Google will determine your location based on the domain, IP address, links and Google information for my business on your website.


What is a Google Search Console Message Report?

It is highly doubtful that Google will replace the Google Search Console messaging section.

This is the main channel of communication with Google. It’s like an email inbox to the Google search console.

URL parameters

What is a URL parameter tool?

There is nothing worse than discovering that your website is full of duplicate content. And it always seems to happen at the worst of times: the launch of a new product, the holiday season, the first day off.

So how do you quickly fix the problem of duplicate content?

URL parameter tool. This tool shows all the parameters used on your site.

How can I use the URL parameter tool?

The parameter URL tool lets you configure Google settings on how to manage each parameter.

SEO experts know that standard tags can protect you from duplicate content, but they cannot help but waste your crawl budget, which can lead to increased indexing.

The parameter URL tool lets you manage crawl budgets and duplicate content in one place.

Web tool

What is Google Search Console Web Tool Report?

Web tool reports include the following:

  • Advertising experience report.
  • Experience abuse.
  • Testing tools.

Structural data testing tool.


What is a link report?

In the complete world, every website has very high quality links to every page. And in a perfect world, our website has links to great sites like CNN, entrepreneurs, search engine magazines and more.

The links report in Google Search Console shows which websites are linked to each other.

How can I control backlinks in Google Search Console? And how can I deny it?

We must be careful about the principle of backlinks. Because of the constant changes in Google’s algorithm, it is difficult to know when backlinks can be denied.

Follow these steps to monitor links in the Google Search Console:

  • Go to the link panel.
  • Click on “Top Link Site”.
  • Click the arrow to export the report.
  • Identify unusual link patterns from day one. Searching for these templates will help you find potential spam links in negative SEO attacks.


change of address

  • What is the Google Search Console URL change feature?
  • Do you want to move your website to a new address?

You can now use Welp to change your URL settings (including 301 redirects) to notify Google that your site has been moved to a new domain.

Email notification

What are Google Search Console Email Notifications?

The Google Search Console provides options for site owners to enable or change email notifications.

Statistics tracking

What is a crawl statistics report?

The Crawl Statistics section of the Google search console is often seen as a danger of red, blue, and green lines. However, these data actually measure the crawl frequency.

Tracking statistics report shows that Google crawls your site every once in a while. Tracking statistics report can be found in the settings.

How can I use the follow-up statistics report?

Fast crawl means that Googlebot quickly indexes your site. And the more Google crawls your site, the better your search performance. If you notice a sharp drop or increase, there may be a problem with your site.

The follow-up statistics report consists of three reports:

  • Total number of tracking requests.
  • Total load size
  • Average response time

This way you can see the status of your host and see if Google has a problem crawling your site. Tracking Request Cards help Google see how your website is being tracked.

Learn more about how Matt Southern uses crawl statistics in the Google Search Console.


What is the forum page in Google Search Console?

Settings> Forums Allows Google Search Console users to connect to other Google services, such as Google Analytics.

How can I use the contact page in Google Search Console?

You can use the Forums page in the Google Search Console to connect different types of forums, including:

  • Google Traffic Analysis.
  • Google Ads.
  • YouTube channel.
  • Play console program.
  • Action console project.
  • Chrome Web Store Account.

To get a complete picture of all your data, we recommend that you connect at least Google Analytics to your YouTube channel.

What else is there for Google Search Console?

Now you know why Google Search Console is an essential tool for SEO professionals.

But what next?

More can be expected based on the changes made by the Google Search Console.

  • Learn more about Core Web Vital.
  • Report new content for publishers.
  • A combination of Google Analytics data and Google Search Console data.

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More Resources:

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