Influencer …
Influencers today have become the most effective communication channels in terms of marketing. This new type of marketing appeals to companies in all fields, from tourism, fashion to video games.
However, in the face of the huge population of influencers on social networks. It is sometimes difficult to make a choice. It’s not just about the number o the f influencer’s subscribers.
An influencer with 200,000 followers doesn’t necessarily generate more engagement or conversions than an influencer with 10,000 followers.
In fact, 73 % of marketers find it a major problem for their brand (source : Econsultancy). And as budgets for influencer marketing grow, marketers need to justify their choice of influencers with reliable data.
Several criteria are important to consider to make the right choice for your Brand or Business.
The profile of today’s influencers : Future ambassadors of your brand.
Above all, we think it is essential to better understand, who these influencers are and how to find them, in the vastness of the web today.

Who Are They?
With marketing, and social networks, in the background. An influencer is a person who has a strong presence through digital channels (social networks, blogs…). This presence allows it to influence the buying or consumption behavior of internet users who follow it.
The number of subscribers is regularly highlighted, which is not always a factor of influence. The biggest influencers thus have several million subscribers attached to their communities.
This is how brands, introduce influencers into their marketing and digital communication strategies. To ensure the promotion of their product and service campaigns.
An influencer, as described in the spheres of digital marketing. Is today’s new star of the web perfectly, at ease with social networks or the blog. He has a strong prescriptive power towards, his community which is therefore generally very consequential.
Why Are Social Media Influencers So Well Placed To Talk About Your Brand?

The influencer is a reference :
First of all because they are references in their field(for example beauty, gaming etc). They are therefore trustworthy with the internet users who follow them. They increase your visibility by making their community discover (or rediscover) your brand, increasing interest in it.
In addition, they will make your content viral thanks, to their active and engaged community. That will not hesitate to relay / share / comment, on the video or article created, on the occasion of your collaboration.
The influencer is a prescriber :
Influencers can also help improve your company’s reputation. Indeed, a brand that does, not have a very good image, can regain the trust of some consumers. If it is tested, and approved, by an influencer with its community.
The quality of an influencer is measured mainly by 3 criteria which are: reach, resonance and credibility.
Is there a formula that can help you consistently choose the right influencers ?

In this post, we detail our influencer, research, and evaluation methodology to help you select the right partners. For your campaigns, brands, events, or programs.
Discover these important tracks to select your influencers and stay authentic
1. Define your goals.
When you want to select an influencer, work with authenticity and have a tangible impact, it is important not to go to the head without having a specific objective: reputation, consideration, brand preference or conversion.
You must therefore clearly determine, it and associate it with a success indicator (KPI Key Performance Indicator), that allows determining, if the actions implemented have a positive impact.
Here are a handful, of key metrics tied to popular Influencer marketing objectives, that you should consider, evaluating when selecting your strategy.
2. Choose the right influencer for your brand
- The correlation between the values conveyed by the influencer and those of your Brand :
An influencer necessarily conveys values that are dear to him through his content. Your company, like him, does not want the values of one to contradict the values of the other, nor that the e-reputation of one taint that of the other. It is important to understand the values promoted by your company and your offer in order to find the influencer (s) who share or approach the same. How to spot the values of an influencer when you don’t know him?
By consulting his content, analyzing his speech through the descriptions, of his publications or blog posts… Reading his responses to comments from his subscribers. Or, simply, by conversing with that person via email. After a few exchanges, you will quickly notice the professionalism or lack of motivation of the influencer.
For example, a cosmetics brand wishing to promote organic products, will have every interest in collaborating, with a beauty YouTuber who claims her interest in this type of product.
- An influencer with potential :
To develop an effective influencer marketing strategy and choose the right influencer, it is interesting to study their past collaborations. Not only will the latter give you ideas for collaborations but they will attest to the professionalism of the influencer.
Do not only favor the famous, ones because well-chosen influencers can bring you benefits as – or even more important than the stars, (and take their collaboration more to heart because they are less solicited).
The right influencer, is not the most powerful in terms of audience, but the one who loves your product. Because he will know how to recommend it to his community.
In order to put all the chances, on your side to succeed in your influence campaign. Having you help by a specialized agency nevertheless seems to be the most wise choice.
3. Work with an agency specializing in influencer marketing
Talk to experts :
This option remains ideal, for the majority of brands, when they want to set up a tailor-made campaign accompanied by experts in the field. The agency is there to accompany and advise brands.
In particular to guide them on the choice of the influencer, with the most relevant profile. But also to contact him, and coordinate the creation of the campaign. The agencies, will also offer brands a real follow-up with statistics and feedback on results.
With You From A to Z
The agency will understand your need, identify the influencers best placed to meet this need, and coordinate the creation / implementation of the appropriate operation.
The agency also manages, the relationship with the influencer. Once the transaction is completed, you will have detailed reporting, and valuable advice for your next campaigns.
In short, they will take care of all aspects of collaboration. That could embarrass you if you did this on your own.
Many brands use platforms such as Talkwalker, Viral Nation or Open Influence to amplify their campaigns. You can use these platforms to find the right influencers for your brand, track your campaigns, and measure your results.
4. Collaborate authentically with the influencer
If you approach, an influencer. (Especially an expert in the field), unexpectedly and solicit him immediately. There is a good chance, that you will not have the desired result. So your goal, is to build a relationship of trust.
So focus on the most accessible influencers, who have real committed communities, who are creative, and have a tone that fits your brand values.
Find those with high added value, and motivate them to promote your content. By involving them in the process, of creating the campaign, and/or your products.
By working hand in hand with an influencer and trusting him, you will be a winner since you will create :
- A partnership over time.
- An authentic and personal content, thanks to his creativity, and that he will promote all the more knowing that he has participated from end to end in the creation.
Conclusion :
to sum up, using influencers to communicate will bring a lot to your brand. The challenge is to find the ideal influencer. Respecting our advice mentioned, above and possibly being accompanied, by the right Agency for your project.
More Resources:
▷ HostGator Web Hosting: Honest Review
▷ SEMrush Review: Features, Ratings & Details